Theatre inspired by history

Stories pulled from Island’s past

Students almost went to war over an increase in the price of chocolate bars, which some called a communist plot.

It sounds like the latest offering from Disney, but it’s actually one of four short plays by the Seeds and Salts theatre company, all based on Vancouver Island history.

The Chocolate Bar War began in Ladysmith when the price went from five cents to eight cents overnight. Although the local strike only last two or three days, a Victoria paper picked up the story and students there not only went on strike but also stormed the legislature buildings.

Parker Williams, a founding member of the Nanaimo Museum, will discuss his part in organizing the strike in Ladysmith after the presentation.

The Chocolate Bar Strike and the remaining stories – A Pittance of a Remittance, The Bride Ships and Strathcona 100 – are presented by a cast of four actors using minimal props like the troubadours did in early touring theatres.

Supported by the Bamberton Historical Society, it’s the third year Seeds and Salts toured the Island with plays based on local history. The show is set for Saturday (July 9) at 1 p.m. at the Nanaimo Museum. Tickets $10. Please call 250-753-1821.

Nanaimo News Bulletin