Timberline drama department stars in Legally Blonde the musical, which debuts next month.

Timberline drama department stars in Legally Blonde the musical, which debuts next month.

Timberline presents Legally Blonde

Looking for an exciting, local, community event where you can see some great Campbell River talent?

Looking for an exciting, local, community event where you can see some great Campbell River talent?

Timberline Musical Theatre has a show for you and the whole family.

Legally Blonde the Musical is a fresh and energetic evening of musical fun, stylishly wrapped up in a pink bow!

Elle Woods is a college sweetheart who doesn’t take no for an answer. So when her boyfriend, Warner, dumps her for someone ‘serious,’ Woods puts down the credit cards, hits the books, and heads for Harvard Law School. Along the way, she proves that being true to oneself never goes out of style.

Performance dates are April 26, 27, 29 and May 3, 4, and 5.

Tickets can be purchased at the Timberline school office, by e-mailing timberline@sd72.bc.ca or at Still Water Books downtown.

Ticket Prices are $15 for Adults, $12 for Seniors and $7 for students.

The cast features Lindsay Frederick as Elle Woods, Tyler Zandvliet and Louis Patterson sharing the role of Emmett, Austin Johnson as Warner and many more.

Campbell River Mirror