Uncover a masterpiece for a good cause

The Abbotsford Arts Council is eager to unveil its second annual Anonymous Art Show Fundraiser

Kariton Art Gallery

Kariton Art Gallery

The Abbotsford Arts Council is eager to unveil its second annual Anonymous Art Show Fundraiser, to take place between June 13 and July 7 at the Kariton Art Gallery (2387 Ware St.). An opening reception will be held on June 13 from 6 to 8 p.m.

The show features artwork of many diverse styles, subject matters, and media from Lower Mainland artists of all ages and skill levels. Each piece in the show is on an unframed canvas of the same size (12” x 12” x 1.5”) and the artists remain anonymous until after their pieces are purchased.

The show is inspired by a similar fundraising event hosted by the North Vancouver Community Arts Council at CityScape Community Arts Space.

“We want the exhibit to be a true reflection and visual representation of the community’s support and enthusiasm for the arts,” says Gail Gromaski, executive director of the Abbotsford Arts Council.

Each piece is priced at $100, with half of proceeds going to the artist and half to support the initiatives of the Abbotsford Arts Council, a grassroots arts advocacy organization and registered charity. Art buyers will be able to take their piece home immediately upon purchase.

Abbotsford News