Legendary Worlds and Legendary Landscape colouring book creators Carrie Wong and Witek Radomski are at Vernon’s Bookland book store Saturday to offer a colouring session.

Legendary Worlds and Legendary Landscape colouring book creators Carrie Wong and Witek Radomski are at Vernon’s Bookland book store Saturday to offer a colouring session.

Vernon can join in on colouring book craze

Sharpen your pencil crayons for a colouring book session with Legendary creators Carrie Wong and Witek Radomski.

At one time, colouring books were the domain of just the very young. In 2015, the colouring book phenomenon took off and resulted in a whole new wave of creativity among adults.

Some colour to alleviate stress, experienced at home or work, while others colour as a meditational pursuit. Others colour just for fun and creativity, says Vancouver artist Carrie Wong, who with Witek Radomski are the creators of two colouring books that have taken B.C. by storm.

“No matter the reason, in today’s world, colouring can be a therapeutic break from the demands of electronic media and an activity that will put you in a zone you might remember from childhood. And this trend is enormous,” said Wong.

Radomski and Wong are currently on a two-month tour across Canada in support of their second book, Legendary Worlds, and stop by Vernon’s Bookland book store Saturday, April 23.

“It may seem odd to have a book signing for colouring books, but they are a popular artistic past-time now and it has its own dedicated fan base,” said Wong.

Released at Christmas, the duo’s first book, Legendary Landscapes, sold a staggering 5,000 copies in just five weeks.

Both Legendary Landscapes and Legendary Worlds contain images created by seven Canadian artists, and include landscapes, cityscapes, animals and imaginary scenes that are uniquely Canadian.

“The 20-plus million adults colouring today have caused a worldwide pencil crayon shortage. We are so happy to be a part of this exciting new trend,” said Wong, adding there’s even a Colouring Cruise leaving Vancouver in September.

Wong and Radomski host a colouring book session and signing at Bookland, located on 30th Avenue next to Nature’s Fare, April 23 from noon to 2 p.m.

They will be demonstrating their skills in doing line drawings and offering colour tips and techniques. All are welcome to attend.


Vernon Morning Star