Vertigo sends out the call for fibre artists

Gallery Vertigo presents the Fibre Arts Exhibition, which runs March 11 until early April at the downtown Vernon artist-run space

Fibre artists are invited to submit their work for an upcoming show at Gallery Vertigo.

Fibre artists are invited to submit their work for an upcoming show at Gallery Vertigo.

Fibre arts are among the most ancient of all artwork, and among the most practical. The weaving, spinning, knitting, crocheting, quilting, and felting of fibres is not only work that clothes and keeps warm loved ones and families, but is also part of new, exciting artistic traditions. Artists from around the world take this vital work and reimagine it within gallery spaces formerly hung with oil paintings.

Gallery Vertigo invites fibre artists of the North Okanagan to show their work in March and early April in their downtown Vernon gallery.

Allison Griswald, hosts a twice-monthly knitting circle at Gallery Vertigo and is curating the Fibre Arts Exhibition.

“Many of us have memories of our grandmothers, mothers, or aunts, knitting or sewing for their families,” she said. “We’ll be looking for work that represents that end of the spectrum but also the ‘new’ end of fibre arts, as well.”

A recent resurgence in fibre arts has meant that young, contemporary artists have re-envisioned how fibres can be used to make works of art. This includes the infamous “yarn bombers” who knit colourful patterns on public objects like parking meters.

“We’d like to see Gallery Vertigo come alive with the full spectrum of fibre arts on display — from quilts to abstract sculptural works,” said Michelle Mitchell, Gallery Vertigo program coordinator. “Small or large, accomplished or beginner, your fibre arts have a home at Vertigo — so bring your creations down!”

Today is the last day for submissions. A festive celebration will take place Tuesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Fibre Arts Exhibition begins Tuesday and runs to April 5. Gallery Vertigo is at 3001-31 St. (Suite 1, upstairs). For more information, call 250-503-2297 or e-mail


Vernon Morning Star