Victoria’s White Hot Jet performs on Friday (June 7) at Rehab Nightclub on Discovery Street.

Victoria’s White Hot Jet performs on Friday (June 7) at Rehab Nightclub on Discovery Street.

White Hot Jet ready to launch

All-girl band to give debut live performance at Rehab Nightclub

Imagine a hybrid of Joan Jett and Veruca Salt, with a dash of Adele thrown in for good measure – that’s Victoria’s White Hot Jet, which released  its debut single, “Never Comin’ Down,” on Monday.

In October 2011, music producer James Kasper decided to hold auditions for an all-girl rock band, with the plan of launching the band six months later under his community record label Blue Water Gun Records.

Through a series of transitions, auditions, long distance connections and chance meetings, the band came together. But instead of the estimated six months, it took a staggering 20 months to manifest.

Now that White Hot Jet has its final lineup set and has rehearsed incessantly, they are ready for their official debut live performance this Friday (June 7) at Victoria’s Rehab Nightclub, 502 Discovery St.

Doors open at 9 p.m., with special guests This Day Burns opening the show at 10.

Tickets are $12 in advance, call 778-265-8462 to reserve or for more information.

Victoria News