Worship night gives platform to young artists

Scholarship to young music student to be awarded at Hear the Music Night at Vernon's Alliance Church Sunday.

Hear the Music Night, an evening of high-energy praise and worship music, returns to Vernon Alliance Church Sunday.

Led by Jon Buller and Erol Bortucene, the evening features special guest Cole Friesen, who will open the evening with a group of young musicians.

“He’ll be providing an opportunity  for the emerging band members to experience a live performance, which is an integral part of the mission of Hear the Music,” said Buller, a Juno-nominated recording artist, worship leader, and founder of Hear the Music Ministries.

“It promises to be a night of connection and celebration for the local church community.”

In addition, the event will include the inaugural presentation of the Christy Maygard Memorial Scholarship.

A number of local young musicians have applied for the scholarship, and the finalists  include Shelley Potts, Ryan Breitkreutz and Beth Dyck, said Buller, adding the scholarship winner will be announced live on the stage at the event.

The scholarship was created to honour the memory of Maygard, a young woman from Vernon who lived a full life that included songwriting, singing and playing piano in local bands and in her church ministry.

She bravely fought cancer and died at the age of 26 in late 2010.

Maygard also served as a board member for Hear the Music Ministries.

“We are so privileged to be able to honour the memory of our friend and board member Christy by creating this incredible scholarship in her name,” said Buller.

“It is an opportunity for us to continue the mission of Hear the Music with emerging musicians by supporting both the musical and spiritual values that were also part of Christy’s heart and life.”

The award winner will receive $500 cash, a $500 gift certificate to the Groove Recording Studio (www.grooverecording.com), and an iPod complete with a library of music.

The winner will also receive an exclusive invitation to perform at the next Hear the Music Night in spring 2012.

There will be two celebrations at Sunday’s Hear the Music at 6 and 8 p.m. to accommodate the expected attendance.

Admission is free and all are welcome. Vernon Alliance is located at 2601-43rd Ave. For more information, call 250-558-1127 or visit www.htmministries.com.


Vernon Morning Star