A helping hand at Christmas

Order of the Eastern Star, Landsdowne Chapter #27 Enderby, ditty bags, transition houses

Jocelyne Dinwoodie (back), program assistant at Vernon Women’s Transition House, receives a donation of ditty bags on behalf of clients from Polly Fremstad (left) and Leslie van der Meer, with Order of the Eastern Star.

Jocelyne Dinwoodie (back), program assistant at Vernon Women’s Transition House, receives a donation of ditty bags on behalf of clients from Polly Fremstad (left) and Leslie van der Meer, with Order of the Eastern Star.

For more than a decade, people in need have had their Christmas made a little brighter thanks to members of the Order of the Eastern Star, Landsdowne Chapter #72 Enderby.

The local chapter of the organization has been donating ditty bags to the transition houses in Vernon and Salmon Arm for 16 years.

The colourful handmade bags are filled with essentials such as brushes, combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and other toiletries, tissues, notepads, pocket books, colouring books and crayons, as well as a special stuffed toy for each child.

“This helps to ensure that women and children who have left their homes with nothing have a little something extra,” said Polly Fremstad, Worthy Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star.

The group has a long history of giving back to the community and is well-known for its collection of cancelled stamps.

“We appreciate any donations,” said Fremstad.

Stamps should be cut off the envelope, leaving a half-inch border around the stamp. They are then sold to a stamp dealer, and the money is used to buy materials to make free dressings for hospitals to use for cancer patients.

“We’d like to thank The Morning Star for putting our stamp ads in the paper, enabling us to collect additional stamps to assist with raising money for cancer dressings,” she said.

For more information or stamp pickup, please contact Diane at 250-260-2606.


Vernon Morning Star