A journey along the Wiccan path

The Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC ordains a new Priestess

Myranda O’Byrne has been ordained Priestess in the Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC in a recent ceremony in Lake Country.

Myranda O’Byrne has been ordained Priestess in the Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC in a recent ceremony in Lake Country.

The Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC is proud to announce the ordination of Priestess Myranda O’Byrne.

“Myranda will be available to perform all rites of passage, including weddings, in the Wiccan tradition,” said Sable Aradia, with the CWABC. “Myranda has been dedicated to the Wiccan path for much of her life and has a great deal of experience in group leadership, counselling and the practice of Wicca that dates back more than 20 years, when she was active in the Reclaiming community on Salt Spring Island.”

For the past several years, the West Kelowna resident has organized regular gatherings and a women’s full moon circle in the Okanagan.

The Okanagan CWABC can be contacted through www.facebook.com/groups/40326656279/, or their Website at http://mirthandreverence.webs.com.


Vernon Morning Star