If you are currently single and dreading Valentine’s Day, life coach Jodi Seery invites you to join her and other single woman for the free online Single Ladies Valentines Virtual Dinner Club.
“Many of my clients are single women and single moms and the thought of packaging themselves up to hustle out to a packed venue full of couples on a weeknight after a long day can sometimes feel like more work than fun,” she said. “I’ve heard several clients say ‘I just want to stay home, get in my comfortable pajamas and pour myself a glass of wine,’ yet they still long for an event and connection with others.”
To answer this, Seery created the online dinner club event for Valentine’s Day. On Feb. 14 at 6 p.m., from the comfort of their own home, single women can click on a link e-mailed to them after registration that will take them to a screen where they can see and hear Seery facilitate the virtual dinner.
“No one can see them, so I encourage them to pamper themselves, wear their fuzzy slippers or their finest ball gown, pour themselves a glass of wine or a mug of tea, bring their favourite dinner, prepared or ordered in, set a gorgeous table with flowers, good china and candles then settle in to eat, drink and enjoy the camaraderie of other single women.”
Dinner conversation will include a discussion of relationship blocks and how to release them, as well as time for relationship Q and A. The event will wrap up with a Manifest Genuine Love Meditation as dessert to align participants’ energy with their desired intentions for a mutually, loving, respectful and passionate relationship.
“It is an event intended for relaxed fun, there is no obligation to share and my experience of group events is that you always get the information or message you needed to hear. Just bring your sense of curiosity, adventure and openness.”
To register for the Free Online Single Ladies Virtual Dinner Club go to www.ShiftLifeDesign.com/event