Adventurers Club assists at Agur Lake

More than 50 members of the Penticton Adventurers Club spent a day at Agur Lake Camp.

Having contributed many hours of sweat equity and fundraising to Agur Lake Camp, more than 50 members of the Penticton Adventurers Club spent the day experiencing the wonders of the camp.

On May 22, members took the hour long bus ride to Agur Lake.

While there they walked the barrier-free trails, reading the interpretive panels around the lake along the way. These are the  same trails many of the club members helped clear, cut and donate more than $500 to help create.

Some members used their walkers, some accepted a ride in a golf cart and all managed at their own pace to see everything.

The last stop was the three cabins at the lake that were built to accommodate people with special needs.

The cabins are a joint project with the Okanagan College Faculty of Trades and Agur Lake Camp, as well as the many local businesses that have donated supplies or time towards these cabins.

Members then sat under the gazebo or trees while enjoying a barbecue and the birthday cake dessert for club techie/keeper of trail details and pictures John Gullick. Afterwards some of the members participated in a game of bocce.

When the caravan got back to Penticton some five hours later, a few of the members were so impressed with Agur Lake they immediately made a donation towards it.


Summerland Review