Air Cadet Lily Eggert finished second overall in the Effective Speaking competition in Penticton. At right is Effective Speaking coordinator Joan Irvine.

Air Cadet Lily Eggert finished second overall in the Effective Speaking competition in Penticton. At right is Effective Speaking coordinator Joan Irvine.

Air Cadets host speech competition

The 902 Summerland Air Cadets hosted their squadron Effective Speaking Competition on Wednesday, Jan. 29.

The 902 Summerland Air Cadets hosted their squadron Effective Speaking Competition on Wednesday, Jan. 29.

They were judged by Mary Beth Rutherford from the Apex Ski Patrol, Sean Wurz of the Penticton Toastmasters, and Julia Cox of the Penticton Public Library.

Each cadet presented a prepared five-minute speech on topics ranging from “Skills I have learned in Cadets That Will Help me in Life” to “Chris Hadfield, Space Explorer”.

The cadets also gave a two-minute impromptu speech which they had only a few moments to prepare. The judges complimented the cadets on their poise and their ability to regroup and overcome nervous moments.

It was a great learning experience for the cadets and they were relieved to have participated successfully.

Cadets organizers are grateful for the three volunteer judges for their support and assistance in making the squadron competition a success.

The two winning cadets, AC Lily Eggert and FSgt Rachel Smith, went on to compete at the regional Effective Speaking Competition Feb. 2 in Penticton.

Smith had some difficulties with the timing lights as there was a lot of glare and she could not see them.

Eggert finished second overall.

The first-place winner was Savannah Groot from Penticton. She was also a national Effective Speaking competitor.


Summerland Review