Auditions scheduled for school’s talent show

Student organizers at Summerland Secondary School are gearing up for the 13th Annual Summerland Talent Show.

Student organizers at Summerland Secondary School are gearing up for the 13th Annual Summerland Talent Show.

Auditions for the show will take place Wednesday, March 11, Thursday, March 12 and Friday March 13 from 3:15 to 5 p.m. at Centre Stage Theatre.

For an audition time please contact Abhi at 778-931-2197 or register on the sign up sheet at the main office at the high school.

The talent show proceeds will be used for the Lohada Orphanages in Arusha, Tanzania.

A group of students will be travelling there this summer to continue the improvements to the orphanage.

School District 67 adopted this organization several years ago and supports it through building projects undertaken by the students of our district using funds raised by the students.

The building supplies for these projects are purchased on the ground by students and teachers so that every bit of money raised is maximized and goes toward helping the children there.

The talent show will take place April 14 and 15 beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door.


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