Cherryville serves up a merry Christmas

Chervyille turkey supper, Goldpanner Campground and Cafe, Rick and Marilyn Potter

The Cherryville turkey supper on Remembrance Day helped to make sure that everyone in the community can have a good Christmas.

The supper, held at the Goldpanner Campground and Cafe, was a fundraiser for the Cherryville Food Bank and raised $1,025 for Christmas hampers.

“We would like to thank everyone who came out to support us and help out such a great cause. People were so generous and gave above and beyond what we were charging for dinner. They dug deep and the result was a pleased food bank,” said Michelle Smiegielski, who is manager of the Goldpanner Campground and Cafe with her husband, Mike Loewen, thanking everyone who contributed to making the event a success.

Kevin Morrow and Lori Hill, cafe managers, came up with the idea and donated the ingredients for the more then 100 meals served.

“The folks who came out for the meal were so impressed — the food was yummy, the service was fast and friendly and the spirit of giving was delightful. We were overwhelmed when we counted up all the money at the end of the day. We were literally in tears, we could not believe how much money we had raised. It was a real treat for us to be able to do this,” said Smiegielski. She and the other organizers are already planning another community supper for next year.


Vernon Morning Star