Community pot luck organized for April 21

Be The Change Action Circle is hosting the event at Fraser River Heritage Park

Mission residents are invited to celebrate Earth Day, spring and community at an Earth-friendly, zero-waste pot luck dinner in Fraser River Heritage Park, April 21.

Everyone attending is asked to bring one dish of food with enough to feed a few people, plus non-disposable plate, cutlery, mug, napkin and a non-alcoholic beverage. The dinner starts at 5 p.m. in the sheltered area of the park, so the event goes forward rain or shine.

The event will be hosted by the Mission Be The Change Action Circle, a small group of citizens who came together in October 2011 after attending the Environmental Symposium presented in Mission by the Be The Change Earth Alliance. The Alliance’s goal is to work towards creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling human presence on Earth.

The group’s first project was the promotion of a CSA (community supported agriculture), a mutually-supportive agreement between Mission residents and two local farmers. The customer pays a lump-sum of $240 to $480 to the farmer at the beginning of the growing season.  This provides the farmer with operating capital at a time when they would normally have no income but when costs are highest. In return, the customer receives half to a full box of fresh, organic, in-season produce every week for 16 weeks. Visit to sign up for 2013.

The second initiative was the Mission Carbon Challenge, an attempt to raise awareness of the effect many of our everyday choices have on carbon emissions and climate-change. At MissionFest and at the Christmas Farmers’ Market, people could take a survey to determine how well they are doing in the fight against carbon emissions. The survey will be available again at the pot luck.

For more information visit

Mission City Record