Lillian Thomson, right, presents Mayor Janice Perrino with a daffodil pin for the Canadian Cancer Society’s annual Cancer Month promotion in April. Boxes with the daffodil pins are available around the community.

Lillian Thomson, right, presents Mayor Janice Perrino with a daffodil pin for the Canadian Cancer Society’s annual Cancer Month promotion in April. Boxes with the daffodil pins are available around the community.

Daffodil pins available during cancer fundraiser

Boxes of daffodil pins have been set out at locations around the community for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cancer Month.

Boxes of daffodil pins have been set out at locations around the community for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Cancer Month promotion in April.

Lillian Thomson, a Summerland volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society, said she and volunteers May Lalonde, Nellie Johansen and Shirley Troubridge had the boxes placed at 14 locations around the community.

The Canadian Cancer Society started in Summerland in 1938 and closed last year.

The four Summerland volunteers continue to work with fundraising efforts to benefit the society.

The Daffodil Month fundraiser is a national initiative from the Canadian Cancer Society.

There are more than 200 types of cancer. In 2013, 23,700 British Columbians were diagnosed with cancer. Money raised from the fundraising initiative goes to research, prevention activities and support programs.


Summerland Review