Dancers grow in Expanding Circles project


On Mar. 14, the Expanding Circles dance project wrapped up five months worth of weekly dance exploration ahead of their public performance in May.

Expanding Circles: The Topography of Belonging, is a project that has been ongoing since October, and brought together 18 locals — most whom have never danced outside of their living rooms — for five months of weekly dance labs and exploring “belonging” in the Bulkley Valley.

Participant Kerrith McKay said that while everyone was nervous going into the project, “by the end of it everyone was just dancing.”

The project is funded by EmbraceBC and backed by the Bulkley Valley Community Arts Council. Expanding Circles is an extension of last year’s project Circles, a two-week process lead by Smithers-based dance artist Miriam Colvin.

McKay said she decided at last year’s Circle performance that she would join the project for this year when it came around again.

“At the Circles performance I was totally taken aback,” McKay said. “It was so fabulous to watch.”

Expanding Circles participants will be on the stage at the Della Herman Theatre on May 27 and 28 to show off what they’ve learned.

The final performance also incorporates a locally commissioned sound score, a performance by the Local Vocals community choir, and locally produced videography.

“There is so much potential with this group that I have no doubt the performance is going to be awesome,” Colvin said. “I have this amazing foundation of people to dance with. It’s all about the people. It’s a community dance project.”

For more information about the Expanding Circles project and May performance, visit or search Myriad Dance Projects on Facebook.

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