Defibrillator donation

Kelly Marshall of the Summerland and District Credit Union donated a defibrillator to Summerland Royal Canadian Legion Branch 22.

Kelly Marshall, centre, representing Summerland and District Credit Union donated a defibrillator to Summerland Royal Canadian Legion Branch 22. Branch President Mike Brazeau, at left, and First Vice President Robert Wolleswinkel accept the device. All branch members will be invited to an upcoming training session.

Kelly Marshall, centre, representing Summerland and District Credit Union donated a defibrillator to Summerland Royal Canadian Legion Branch 22. Branch President Mike Brazeau, at left, and First Vice President Robert Wolleswinkel accept the device. All branch members will be invited to an upcoming training session.

Kelly Marshall, centre, representing Summerland and District Credit Union donated a defibrillator to Summerland Royal Canadian Legion Branch 22. Branch President Mike Brazeau, at left, and First Vice President Robert Wolleswinkel accept the device. All branch members will be invited to an upcoming training session.



Summerland Review