Dementia tele-workshop available

Workshop helps area families by providing long-distance caregiving

Struggling with the challenges of providing care to someone with dementia from a distance?

Local family caregivers can get help from a free tele-workshop offered by the non-profit Alzheimer Society of B.C.

Called Long Distance Caregiving, the July 15 tele-workshop offers strategies to better cope with the situation, including assessing needs, identifying resources, maximizing visits and sharing responsibilities with others.

More than 70,000 people in the province – many of them in the local area – live with dementia, and that number is increasing dramatically as the population ages.

The tele-workshop starts at 7 p.m.

Connecting to the sessions is as easy as phoning toll-free 1-866-994-7745, then entering pass code 1122333 when prompted, or visiting and entering as a Guest to listen to and view the presentation online at the same time.

Tele-workshops are learning sessions designed for family caregivers, but are also open to health-care providers. Recognizing that many caregivers are unable to attend in-person workshops, the sessions can be accessed by telephone and online (optional).

Participants can ask questions and share with others who are in similar situations.

For more information about other upcoming tele-workshops or to view shortened recordings of past sessions go to

For more information on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, which affect one in 11 Canadians over the age of 65, visit the society website at


100 Mile House Free Press