Dr. Rose Backman shares her experience in mind/body wellness in her seminar, The Power of an Unstoppable Woman.
She helps women learn the five fatal flaws in business and personal relationships; how toxic emotions create disease; how beliefs affect money, success and relationships; and why women give away their power and their voice.
Backman, who is based in Kelowna, presents her seminar Oct. 22 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Best Western Vernon Lodge.
“If you want to live more deeply, honestly and passionately, you must attend this seminar,” said Backman. “I will push you out of your comfort zone into your power zone.”
Backman is one of Canada’s most magnetic speakers on mind/body wellness and life management. She has more than 20 years of expertise in the field of natural health and will share her own dramatic story that pushed her into her power zone.
The cost is $34.95, and includes lunch. Pre-registration is required. For more information contact Jean at 250-838-7330 or mjeankoenig_99@yahoo.com.