Douglas Edgar, president of the B.C. Retired Teachers’ Association, reports to a large gathering of Vernon retired teachers at the Schubert Centre recently.

Douglas Edgar, president of the B.C. Retired Teachers’ Association, reports to a large gathering of Vernon retired teachers at the Schubert Centre recently.

Edgar named provincial president

Retired teacher Douglas Edgar has taken on the leadership role of the B.C. Retired Teachers’ Association.

Edgar is now serving as president of the provincial organization, which represents the interests of close to 15,000 retired teachers throughout the province.

Branch president Jan Pronovost said the Vernon Retired Teachers’ Association feels honoured to have someone like Edgar as president of such a large provincial organization.

“His leadership skills and personality make him perfect for the job,” said Pronovost. “He attends as many local branch gatherings as his busy schedule allows and always keeps us well-informed on issues of the day.”

The B.C. Retired Teachers’ Association was incorporated as a Society in 1955 with its main objective “to guard the interests and to promote the welfare of its members.” Through the efforts of many dedicated people and its large membership, the association has grown to be a large influential organization acting on behalf of retired teachers. The BCRTA replaces the professional association which served the same interests as those of the years before retirement.


Vernon Morning Star