Enjoy breakfast, help the hospital

Fulton secondary school student Laura Rozka organizers her second annual fundraiser, Breakfast Bags for Babies, to benefit the hospital.

Breakfast Bags for Babies start the day right with tasty food and fun coupons in a reusable bag.

The bags are a project of the Clarence Fulton secondary school leadership class to raise money for a state-of-the-art incubator for the maternal/child ward at VJH.

“We got everything donated and some of the bags will have special gift cards in them,” said Fulton Grade 12 student Laura Rozka, who organized the event. “We did 200 bags last year and raised $2,000 for the Tower of Care Campaign, and this year we’re hoping to do 250.”

Breakfast Bags for Babies is by donation and takes place from 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Thursday. Look for the tent on the frontage road just across Okanagan Landing Road from Ellison elementary school.


Vernon Morning Star