Kindergarten and Grade 3 students read together at Gibson Elementary School.

Kindergarten and Grade 3 students read together at Gibson Elementary School.

Everything dropped for reading

Students at Gibson Elementary learn the importance of the school library.

Clad in pajamas, with stuffed toys snuggled in their laps, kindergarten and grade three students buddied up, scattering comfortably throughout the library at Gibson Elementary School in North Delta recently.

It was 11:10 a.m. on a Monday morning, and the students has taken a pause from their regular classroom duties to read books.

The smiles and occasional soft giggle indicated the activity was being enjoyed.

“Everyone here enjoys reading books,” said teacher-librarian Roberta MacQuarrie as she looked around the room.

Gibson Elementary is just one of the many Delta schools that took part in Drop Everything and Read, a provincial initiative spearheaded by the British Columbia Teacher Librarians’ Association. The goal was to highlight the important role of school libraries.

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