From the archives

From the archives

1911 P.H. Campbell of Salmon Arm has received an appointment as homestead and timber inspector for the Kamloops district from the Dominion government. We congratulate Mr. Campbell on his appointment and also the government for placing this work in the hands of such a capable man and one who is conversant with the needs of the district. Having been in  B.C. before the flood of 1894 and engaged in the lumber business practically all the time, He thoroughly understands that branch, and being an old resident we feel sure that “squatters” may place their claims in his hands with every confidence that they will be fairly treated.

1921 Canada is one of the greatest forest countries of the world. Much of our Canadian soil is unsuited to farming but is capable of growing magnificent timber. Our forests provide work, which maintains half a million people. All citizens can assist in taking care of our forests and particularly in protecting them against fire.

1931 On Sunday “Scotty” Cadenhead made the trip from Canoe to Pierre’s Point by water and set a mark for other swimmers to beat. He was accompanied this time by Miss Gwen Jackson who pluckily kept up with Scotty and finished without showing any serious effects of the long journey. The day was splendid for the effort, and while no attempt was made to beat time, the swimmers plugged along steadily.

Between Engineer’s Point and Sunnybrae the boats accompanying them sheared off too much to the north shore which made the trip somewhat long.The distance was computed at six miles and the time in the water was 3 3/4 hours.

1941The dance at Celista Hall on Saturday in aid of the ‘Spitfire’ Fund of the B.C. sportsmen was a great success. The sum of $120 was realized.

Salmon Arm Observer