Ginger Shoji invites you on a walk across Revelstoke

Ginger Shoji has walked 7,281 kilometres around Revelstoke; on Friday, she's asking the community to join her.

Cancer survivor Ginger Shoji has walked the equivalent of crossing Canada, all without leaving Revelstoke.

Cancer survivor Ginger Shoji has walked the equivalent of crossing Canada, all without leaving Revelstoke.

Over the past 15 years, cancer survivor Ginger Shoji has walked 7,281 kilometres – the equivalent of crossing Canada on foot – and she’s done it without leaving Revelstoke.

This Friday, Apr. 21, she is asking the community to join her as she walks from Grizzly Plaza to Begbie View Elementary, where she will speak at an assembly.

Show your support for Shoji and other people impacted by cancer support by meeting in the plaza at 8:30 a.m. and walking with her.

Correction: The walk is on Friday, April 21, not Thursday.


Revelstoke Times Review