Got bike?

As the temperature outside increases, so does the bike traffic.

As the temperature outside increases, so does the bike traffic. Gwen Harris was probably quite happy when the weather warmed up and she could pedal to town instead of trudging through the snow. In 1920 riding a bicycle was a different experience than it is now.

As the temperature outside increases, so does the bike traffic. Gwen Harris was probably quite happy when the weather warmed up and she could pedal to town instead of trudging through the snow. In 1920 riding a bicycle was a different experience than it is now.

As the temperature outside increases, so does the bike traffic.

Gwen Harris was probably quite happy when the weather warmed up and she could pedal to town instead of trudging through the snow.

In 1920 riding a bicycle was a different experience than it is now.

Coaster brakes were common on most bikes but the suspension left much to be desired despite springs on the seat; cycling apparel consisted of whatever the rider happened to be wearing that day and for the ladies that invariably meant a skirt.

You’ll likely see more spandex than long skirts in the Okanagan, but as bike season heads into full swing, please remember to share the road and stay alert. And be sure to check out the Chain of Events 3 community bike festival taking place in May (with 2 exciting events in Summerland.) For more info visit


Summerland Review