HEALTHY YOU: Diet helps brain retain information

NANAIMO – Sometimes memory loss has a lot to do with a brain that isn’t sharp because of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Everyone forgets things from time to time. Some people find themselves forgetting things more frequently, a troubling development for those who can’t explain their sudden loss of memory.

Sometimes memory loss has a lot to do with a brain that isn’t sharp because of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Make some dietary changes. Diet can also have an impact on memory. What you eat is fuel for both your body and your brain, and a poor diet can have a negative impact on your memory. Be sure to include omega-3 fatty acids, sources of which include salmon, tuna and other cold water fatty fish, in your diet. Foods with antioxidants, including fruits and vegetables, can also protect your brain cells from damage.

A diet high in saturated fat, which is found in red meat, whole milk, butter and cheese, has been found to have a negative impact on memory.

Those who find themselves becoming forgetful can take steps to improve their memory.

Nanaimo News Bulletin