Kwantlen students help prepare fields for the Sharing Farm in Richmond.

Kwantlen students help prepare fields for the Sharing Farm in Richmond.

Kwantlen students give their time

Students lent a hand at the Surrey Food Bank and harvested fields for the Sharing Farm in Richmond.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University students met the 100 Volunteers Challenge by signing up to volunteer with four local charities on Sept. 14 and 15.

Students volunteered four to five hours of their time by lending a hand at the Surrey Food Bank, and harvesting and preparing fields for the Sharing Farm in Richmond.

Students also cleaned up Unwin Park in Surrey for the Partners in Parks program, cleared invasive species from a river bank and helped build beaver cages for the Langley Environmental Protection Society.

“The students felt like they’ve gained valuable knowledge from the whole experience, including myself,” says Jayson Bui, Surrey Food Bank student volunteer, Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

“For all but one of the 20 student volunteers, it was the first time they’ve stepped foot in a food bank, and I know it was a real eye-opening opportunity for all participants.”

“I’m thrilled to see students are interested in volunteering their time to these worthwhile charities,” says Theresa Voorsluys, event organizer, Kwantlen Polytechnic University. “We would like to continue to grow this event and visit these charities again as well as explore new opportunities in the Kwantlen community.”

The 100 Volunteers Challenge is a service learning initiative led by Kwantlen’s Student Leadership & Development team. The initiative targets Kwantlen students and gives them the opportunity to sign up for various volunteer opportunities in their communities.

Through this experience, Kwantlen anticipates students will grow in self-awareness and also find out more about local organizations and the important work they do for our communities.

For more information about the challenge, visit

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