Learn about Mission’s health services

The district and FHA are jointly putting on the second annual Back to Health event Jan. 14, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Learn about the numerous health-related services in the District of Mission Jan. 14.

The municipality has partnered with Fraser Health Authority again this year to put on the second annual Back to Health … For Good event next Saturday.

Take in a flu clinic, get free body fat analysis and flexibility testing, get free access to skating (1-2:30 p.m.), fitness classes and the weight room, and the Kids Zone will be in place.

“We are hoping for an even bigger turnout than last year. It’s a great way for people to learn how easy it is to get active and stay healthy,” said Stephanie Key, deputy director of parks, recreation and culture.

For more information call 604-820-3700 or visit www.mission.ca.

Mission City Record