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Want to stay informed and connected in Chilliwack?

Keeping up with what’s going on in your community with the Chilliwack Progress is the best way and it could earn you a fantastic prize from Sears Chilliwack.

Want to stay informed and connected in Chilliwack?

Keeping up with what’s going on in your community with the Chilliwack Progress is the best way and it could earn you a fantastic prize from Sears Chilliwack.


Just answer some questions online and you could be receiving a Samsung 46” LCD Full HDTV from Sears, Chilliwack.

All you do is visit theprogress.com and scroll down to the “Click for a chance to win” ad section on the right hand side of the page. You can also scan the handy QR code with your smart phone or go directly to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PDX7RYK

Once you’re done, provide your name and email address to enter the contest and cross your fingers.

Chilliwack Progress