Looking towards graduation

Beyond Graduation, PLAN Institute, for students with disability who will be finishing school or who has recently left school

Beyond Graduation is a workshop of the PLAN Institute (Planned Lifetime Advocacy Networks) and is designed to help any student with a disability who will be finishing school in the next few years or who has recently left school and their families, to effectively work together to plan for the future after high school.

The workshop will include thinking about future strategies for achieving employment, independence and community involvement after high school.

This workshop is open to everyone and is very participatory yet informal for both the young person and their family. It is designed in a way that everyone can get something out of it and it is flexible to accommodate all disabilities.

From a parent at the workshop:  “Her sisters report that she (the young person) was very positive about the course. This is amazing. It gave us many things to think about. I was so impressed with the positive attitude of so many of the families”

Nancy Ford, the director of Learning and Family Development for PLAN Institute from Vancouver and a parent of an adult child with a disability, will be one of the guest speakers.

The Beyond Graduation workshop takes place Feb. 4 from 9:30 a.m. to  5 p.m. at the People Place in Vernon. Lunch is provided.

For more information or to register, contact Sherrie at 250-546-3005 or kindale@kindale.net or call Mary Bickert at PLAN Okanagan 250-860-2080 or e-mail info@planok.ca.


This workshop is presented by PLAN Institute, PLAN Okanagan, Kindale Developmental Association and sponsored by the Law Foundation of British Columbia.



Vernon Morning Star