Grade 4 Brooke Elementary School students Courtenay Lewis (left) and Paige Bailey spearheaded a campaign to collect mittens and socks for the homeless.

Grade 4 Brooke Elementary School students Courtenay Lewis (left) and Paige Bailey spearheaded a campaign to collect mittens and socks for the homeless.

Meeting Mr. Miller’s ‘Mighty Mitten Challenge’

North Delta students spearhead campaign to help the homeless.

When Brooke Elementary School students Courtenay Lewis and Paige Bailey asked their teacher David Miller what he wanted for Christmas, they were not expecting his reply.

“He said he wanted mittens and socks for charity – for people who are homeless and need socks and mittens to keep warm,” said Courtenay.

“We thought – we can do that! We were excited because we had an idea of what to do,” explained Paige.

The two Grade 4 girls undertook the task of involving their entire North Delta school with collecting mittens and socks. The girls made collection boxes for varying categories – men, women, girls, boys, teenagers – and dropped off the boxes to each classroom in their school. They also spoke to every class about the importance of the initiative.

“We explained that it was for charity and that lots of homeless people don’t have what we have,” said Paige.

The girls also made posters, did PA announcements and created information to send home to parents about what they dubbed “Mr. Miller’s Mighty Mitten Challenge.”

The response from students and staff was phenomenal. Mittens and socks came pouring in, as did other items such as toiletries. The girls even received some monetary donations that they used to buy ponchos to donate as well.

Courtenay, Paige and their teacher will be dropping off the donations at Surrey’s NightShift Street Ministries, and Cynthia’s Place and the Union Gospel Mission in New Westminster.

“We’re happy that we’re helping other people survive the winter,” said Courtenay.





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