Whether it’s floating homemade boats, watching interesting bugs doing the backstroke, trying to catch frogs that stay one jump ahead of you or experiencing that wonderfully squishy feeling of soft mud between the toes, there’s always something fascinating about mud puddles. In the spring of 1950 these three found lots of ways to have fun and get a little dirty where an irrigation ditch flowed across a tractor trail in the Tait orchard in Trout Creek. In all probability they spent hours outside and had to be hosed down before they were allowed into the house for supper. Kids, it’s Spring Break! Why not get outside and discover a good old-fashioned mud puddle? 

Whether it’s floating homemade boats, watching interesting bugs doing the backstroke, trying to catch frogs that stay one jump ahead of you or experiencing that wonderfully squishy feeling of soft mud between the toes, there’s always something fascinating about mud puddles. In the spring of 1950 these three found lots of ways to have fun and get a little dirty where an irrigation ditch flowed across a tractor trail in the Tait orchard in Trout Creek. In all probability they spent hours outside and had to be hosed down before they were allowed into the house for supper. Kids, it’s Spring Break! Why not get outside and discover a good old-fashioned mud puddle? 

Mud and stuff

In the spring of 1950 these three found lots of ways to have fun in the Tait orchard in Trout Creek.

Whether it’s floating homemade boats, watching interesting bugs doing the backstroke, trying to catch frogs that stay one jump ahead of you or experiencing that wonderfully squishy feeling of soft mud between the toes, there’s always something fascinating about mud puddles. In the spring of 1950 these three found lots of ways to have fun and get a little dirty where an irrigation ditch flowed across a tractor trail in the Tait orchard in Trout Creek. In all probability they spent hours outside and had to be hosed down before they were allowed into the house for supper. Kids, it’s Spring Break! Why not get outside and discover a good old-fashioned mud puddle?



Summerland Review