Old clothes given new life for Haiti

Curves Coldstream

May 25 was a busy day at the Curves Fitness Club in Coldstream.

The club hosted a pre-loved clothing sale, where members donated clothing to be sold to other members.

“One of the unique things that happens at a fitness centre like ours is that members are always changing size and upgrading their wardrobes — kind of out with the old and in with the new,” said owner Margaret Penner.

The donated clothing could be purchased for a nominal fee and all funds generated were donated to Judy Douglas, a longtime Vernon nurse who also does volunteer work at a children’s orphanage in Haiti.

“The money raised will go a long way in providing food and medicine for the kids in Haiti,” said Douglas.

With the help of all Curves Coldstream members and staff, just over $1,000 was raised.

“Our club has great members who support each other in all areas of life,” said Penner. “If we can assist each other and have fun doing it — that’s what we’re all about.”


Vernon Morning Star