Cst. Jacques Lefebre of the Summerland RCMP detachment swings during a casual ball game with Special Olympics athletes last week. The game was part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run. A total of 33 communities around British Columbia had events in place for the torch run.

Cst. Jacques Lefebre of the Summerland RCMP detachment swings during a casual ball game with Special Olympics athletes last week. The game was part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run. A total of 33 communities around British Columbia had events in place for the torch run.

Playing ball

A ball game between the Summerland RCMP and Special Olympics athletes was held as part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Cst. Jacques Lefebre of the Summerland RCMP detachment swings during a casual ball game with Special Olympics athletes last week. The game was part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run. A total of 33 communities around British Columbia had events in place for the torch run.



Summerland Review