Province to recognize age-friendly communities

Local governments can now apply to have their efforts in creating supportive environments for their community’s seniors recognized.

Local governments can now apply to have their efforts in creating supportive environments for their community’s seniors recognized.

The Age-friendly British Columbia community recognition program is offered in partnership with BC Healthy Communities and rewards a commitment to local initiatives, which allow seniors to enjoy good health and active participation in their community. To be eligible, communities must complete four steps:

o Establish an age-friendly advisory or steering committee, which includes the active participation of older adults.

o Pass a local council or district board resolution to actively support, promote and work toward becoming an age-friendly community.

o Conduct an age-friendly assessment in consultation with older adults.

o Develop and publish an action plan.

Successful communities will receive a poster celebrating their efforts and $1,000 to help provide an age-friendly legacy project or celebration.

Communities will also be required to implement an age-friendly action plan and monitor age-friendly progress by measuring and reviewing activities, and reporting publicly on action plan outcomes.

Applications for age-friendly recognition will be accepted through Jan. 4, 2013. Successful applicants will be notified in the spring of 2013. For more information on how your community can apply for age-friendly recognition, please visit:


Summerland Review