The Kettle Valley Railway Society has announced its 2016 board of directors. From left are Ken Sewell, treasurer, owner manager of Summerland Timber Mart; Ted Morrison, secretary, retired software developer; Doug Hardman, joint chair, fundraising; Jeff Andrews, retired store manager; Bill Roper, security specialist and Doug Clayton, president, security specialist.

The Kettle Valley Railway Society has announced its 2016 board of directors. From left are Ken Sewell, treasurer, owner manager of Summerland Timber Mart; Ted Morrison, secretary, retired software developer; Doug Hardman, joint chair, fundraising; Jeff Andrews, retired store manager; Bill Roper, security specialist and Doug Clayton, president, security specialist.

Railway director to assist with fundraising

The Kettle Valley Steam Railway Society has announced its board of directors for 2016.

The Kettle Valley Steam Railway Society has announced its board of directors for 2016.

The members began their term at the Annual General Meeting on March 19.

New to the board is Doug Hardman, a retired Vancouver police officer, who will assist general manager Ken Orford with a fundraising campaign to help with the ongoing maintenance of the railway.

The historic steam engine will require new tires next year.

The cost is estimated at $180,000.

“The wheels wear out over time. This is perhaps the second time in the 100 year old engine’s life,” Orford said.

The funds cover the cost of installing a drop table to take the wheels off. The machining will be done in a shop in Cache Creek.

The work is expected to be done after Christmas next year.

Other members of the railway board of directors are treasurer Ken Sewell, secretary Ted Morrison, Jeff Andrews, Bill Roper and Doug Clayton.


Summerland Review