Dave Cuddy is all thumbs up with his friends at a primary school in Kenya.

Dave Cuddy is all thumbs up with his friends at a primary school in Kenya.

Spreading the message: education is power

Education is Power is a Canadian (EIP) charitable organization that sponsors 35 students attending high school and university in Africa

This year was a big one for Education Is Power creator Dave Cuddy.

He traveled to Africa, hosted some local fundraisers, and worked with students from Phoenix middle school, as well as both local high schools.

Education is Power is a Canadian (EIP) charitable organization that sponsors 35 students attending high school and university in Kenya and Tanzania.

With next to no administrative costs, Cuddy runs the organization with a few volunteers.

This year EIP worked in conjunction with local youth to help raise awareness for their cause student for student.

“Our main hope is that this education is going to spread. So it’s like our motto ‘to empower one is to empower others.’” Cuddy said. “We mentor our students and give them volunteer opportunities.

“Which can be tutoring younger kids, working at a tree nursery planting trees, working at an orphanage.

“The goal is that students are giving back while receiving an education.

“So we’re hoping to get students on board here, to give them the opportunity of awareness. What is it like to go to school in Kenya or Tanzania?

“And help [students] realize their privileges and use them to help other people.”

The organization has been active since 2008 and is currently hoping to take on a bicycle or dorm project to ensure means of transportation for the students in Africa.

“We’re researching the idea of helping students get to school at these remote places. So we’re looking to take on maybe one or two students next year, but really we want to ensure we’re making a tangible impact,” Cuddy said.

Cuddy will be speaking Sunday June 15, 8 p.m. at Strathcona Park Lodge dinning hall.

Education is Power and Cuddy will present a philosopher night with guest speakers Dave Mills from Dogwood Initiative and Brian Gunn from Concerned Engineers of BC to discuss Canadian Oil Development and Democracy (including silent auction benefit).

Also, on Wednesday June 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Campbell River Library, Cuddy will do a talk on Education is Power with a goal of gaining interested people to help organize a fundraiser in Campbell River.

To see what education is power is up to, you can check out the website www.educationispower.org.

Campbell River Mirror