Erin Milligan (Top) and Christina Kelly (Bottom) are feeling relieved that school is finally over.

Erin Milligan (Top) and Christina Kelly (Bottom) are feeling relieved that school is finally over.

Students contemplate what’s in store for 2014/15

2013-2014 at Carihi has been full of original ideas, and many productions, many created and organized by Carihi students

As the school year comes to a close and finals approach, new feelings sweep over the students of Carihi.

Sure school is becoming more and more important as the year edges on, and all those missing projects pile on one after another, but the summer break is coming, and probably faster than most are expecting it to.

Carihi student Erin Milligan believes that the year passed quickly due to many new things she experienced this school year, which she hasn’t experienced in previous years. “Yes, this year passed by quickly because the classes have been more fun and the teachers just seemed really into what they were doing. I also met many new people.”

The 2013-2014 year at Carihi has been full of original ideas, and many productions, many of which were created and organized by Carihi students.

“The Nautical science program is one of many new and innovative ideas this year,” says another Carihi student Christina Kelly, “but next year I’m looking forward to more sciences and more job opportunities.”

While Kelly believes that the year went by fairly slowly due to a heavier coarse load, both she and Milligan agree that now that school is ending, they will be happier overall just to indulge in a little time for themselves in the sun.

“Carihi is very interactive. Their programs are super vast and inclusive,” says Milligan, “but there are some things that Carihi could do better for next year.”  Both Kelly and Milligan agree that even though there are many positive aspects, there are some things that Carihi could change for next year, like more variety at the breakfast table or more time spent outside of school on field trips.

For all of the students who are graduating this year, high school will unfortunately become a past memory, but for them, life is just getting started as they will be experiencing a new beginning in the depths of the world of work.

Campbell River Mirror