Stan and Anne Halcro and Gabe Bergen mural

History on Walls

Stan and Anne Halcro and Gabe Bergen mural

Stan and Anne Halcro and Gabe Bergen mural

Located on the front wall of the Curling Club at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre on Airport Road, the mural features Stan and Anne Halcro and Gabe Bergen.

This 2010 Olympic Legacy-funded mural represents winter Olympic activities enjoyed in our region. Bergen, a former 100 Mile House resident who is an internationally accomplished rower, was our official torchbearer.

Stan Halcro’s amazing spirit and community involvement contributed towards the growth of 100 Mile House. He coached the famous Lumbermen’s Senior B fastball team, and actively supported many community clubs, including the Arena ’70 group, which helped build the original arena.

His wife, Anne, was a skilled, dedicated and respected curler for more than 50 years, and she was an inspiration to the community.

Neil Pinkett painted this mural.


100 Mile House Free Press