Students are walking for water

When Vernon teens are thirsty, getting a glass of water is as simple as turning on a tap. In Kenya, teen girls are responsible for carrying water from the river, which may be several miles away.

To help raise awareness of water issues in Kenya, Vernon secondary school students are taking part in a Water Walk-a-Thon Thursday. It’s all part of an upcoming trip students are making to Kenya in August to help build a school with Free the Children, which empowers children in North America to take action to improve the lives of fellow children overseas.

Teacher Susan Egan is organizing the trip to Kenya, through the Global Action program.

“The water isn’t purified, and can cause illness. As well, girls who spend their days carrying water can’t go to school,” she said. “We are raising money for clean water, medicine and economic initiatives to help families so their children can go to school.”

The Water Walk-a-thon starts at 2:30 p.m., with students walking   from VSS to Kal Lake, filling up a four-litre milk container, and then hiking back up the hill to the school.

Donations can be made at VSS, tax receipts are available for donations  of more than $10. Call 250-545-0701.


Vernon Morning Star