Summerland Fall Fair results

The Summerland Fall Fair was held earlier this month. The following results are for adult entries.

The Summerland Fall Fair was held earlier this month. The following results are for adult entries. Further results will be listed in next week’s edition of the Summerland Review.

A Fruit

Class A Apples

McIntosh: First Billy Boerboom, second Ron Vollo, third Doug Johnson.

Spartan: First Tom Kinvig, second David Wiens, third Mary Leardo.

Sunrise: First Billy Boerboom, second Tom Kinvig, third Lorraine Bennest.

Golden Delicious: First Lorraine Bennest, second Tom Kinvig, third Mary Leardo.

Gala: First Bob Thompson, second Tom Kinvig, third Ron Vollo.

Crab: First David Wiens, second Billy Boerboom.

Granny Smith: First Bob Thompson, second Tom Kinvig, third Ron Vollo.

Ambrosia: First Doug Johnson, second Bob Thompson.

Any other variety: First Ron Vollo, second Tom Kinvig, third Billy Boerboom.

New/experimental: First Tom Kinvig, second Lorraine Bennest, third Lorraine Bennest.

Best Plate of Apples: Bob Thompson.

Class B Pears

Bartlett: First Marion Woodbridge, second Billy Boerboom, third Lorraine Bennest.

Bosch: First Lorraine Bennest.

Any other named variety: First Lorraine Bennest, second Billy Boerboom, third Billy Boerboom.

Class C Peaches

Fairhaven: First Tom Kinvig, second Judy Reimer.

Any other named variety: First Tom Kinvig, second Juliette Ellchuk, third Katarina Stohler.

Class D Other

Prunes: First Tom Kinvig, second Katarina Stohler.

Plums: First Mary Leardo.

Grapes, named table variety: First Betty Barnes, second Graeme Staley.

Grapes, wine variety, red named: First Katarina Stohler.

Grapes, wine variety, white named: First Switchback Vineyard, second Katarina Stohler, third Natasha Stohler.

Okanagan Fruit Bowl Display: Wim Boerboom.

Walnuts: First Mary Leardo, second David Phillips.

Filberts: First Mary Leardo, second David Phillips.

Biggest apple: First Doug Johnson.

Humour fruit oddities: First Billy Boerboom.

Berries: First Sheila Robertson, second Keri Wehlander, third Alex MacKay.

Best bowl of cherries: First Doug Johnson, second Mary Leardo, third Ruth Zella.

B Vegetables

Class A Above Ground

Beans, bush: First Dawn Wiens, second Linda McIntosh, third Alvise Varisco.

Corn, sweet, named: First David Wiens, second Mary Leardo.

Eggplant: First Bill Austin.

Peppers, Hungarian, sweet: First Phillis Zella, second Jane Martens.

Peppers, bell, sweet, green: First David Phillips, second Robyn DeYoung.

Peppers, bell, sweet, any colour: First Phillis Zella, second Jessie Pugh.

Peppers, hot, any shape, any colour: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella, third George Pugh.

Tomatoes, any colour but red: First Linda McIntosh.

Tomatoes, medium, round: First Judy Recnor, second Kristin Staley, third Jane Martens.

Tomatoes, cherry: first Tom Burley, second Rose Varisco, third Jane Coady.

Tomatoes, Roma: First Alex MacKay, second Jane Martens.

Tomato, heritage variety, named: First Alex MacKay.

Vegetable collection, eight kinds: First Alex MacKay.

Vegetable collection, five kinds: First Keri Wehlander, second Dawn Wiens.

Class B Root Vegetables

Beets, red cylinder: First Jan Higgins.

Beets, other: First Dawn Wiens, second Sharon Barron, third Sharry Hodgson.

Carrots, 4 to 7 inches: First Alex MacKay, second Sharon Barron, third Linda McIntosh.

Carrots, 7 inches or longer: First David Williams, second Bill Austin.

Carrots, longest: First David Williams.

Garlic, standard cluster: First Yorgo Moundkoukas, second Emily Unger, third Bill Austin.

Onions, yellow globe: First Bill Austin, second Jane Coady, third David Williams.

Onions, sweet Spanish: First David Williams.

Potatoes, white named: First David Wiens, second Sharon Barron, third Alex MacKay.

Potatoes, red named: First David Wiens.

Potatoes, other named: First David Wiens.

Class C Melons

Watermelon: First David Phillips.

Class D Squash

Cucumbers, pickling: First Mary Leardo.

Cucumbers, slicing: First Sheila Robertson, second Bill Austin.

Pumpkin, table, 10 inches or less: First Alex MacKay, second David Wiens.

Pumpkin, more than 10 inches: First Graeme Staley.

Pumpkin, biggest in show: First Scott Hutchinson.

Squash, buttercup: First Bill Austin.

Squash, vegetable spaghetti: First Alex MacKay, second Bill Austin, third Jane Martens.

Squash, zucchini: First Dawn Wiens.

Squash, biggest: Scott Hutchinson.

Zucchini, biggest: Robyn DeYoung.

Class E Miscellaneous

Herbs, dried, five named: First Phillis Zella, second Sharon Barron, third Alex MacKay.

Herbs, fresh, five named: First Phillis Zella, second Lisa Scott, third Alex MacKay.

Sunflowers: First Ruth Zella, second Alex MacKay, third Mary Beth Rutherford, third Robyn DeYoung.

Seed, dried: First Sharon Barron, second Ruth Zella.

Vegetable oddity: First Alvise Varisco, second David Williams, third Rose Varisco.

Vegetable novelty: First Scott Hutchinson.

Sunflower, largest single head: First Robyn DeYoung.

Sunflower, tallest: First Marie Bowyer, second Alex MacKay.

Any item not listed: First Phillis Zella, second Rose Varisco, third Ruth Zella.

Denby Shield: Alex MacKay.

C Dairy, Eggs, Honey

Class B Honey

Honey, extracted: First Kristi Leardo, second Doug Johnson.

Bess Halleran Trophy: Kristi Leardo.

D Wine, Beer, Cider

Class A Homemade Wine

Grape, red, dry: First Alvise Varisco.

Grape, red, sweet: First Riny Prochnau, third Alvise Varisco.

Grape, white, dry: First Werner Strub, third Riny Prochnau.

Fruit or berry, dry: First Alvise Varisco.

Fruit or berry, sweet: First Cindy Friberg, second Judy Reimer.

Class B Wine Kits

Red, sweet: Third Alex MacKay.

White, sweet: Second Alex MacKay.

Class C Beer and Cider

Beer, kit: First Greg DeGagne, second Alex MacKay.

Beer, from scratch: Second Michael Beulah.

Oldies 1450 High Aggregate: Alvise Varisco.

Sumac Ridge Trophy Best Grape Wine: Alvise Varisco.

E Decorated Table Display

Art Halleran Trophy: Sharon Barron.

F Flowers

Class A Flowers

Asters, four colours: First Phillis Zella, second Linda McIntosh.

Noca Cup: Phillis Zella.

Asters, any colour: First Linda McIntosh.

Begonias: First Sheila Robertson.

Chrysanthemums: First Ruth Zella.

Dahlias, five named: First Linda McIntosh, second Phillis Zella.

Malkin Cup: Linda McIntosh.

Dahlias, cactus, any colour, three containers: First Linda McIntosh.

Dahlias, cactus, any colour, one bloom: First Linda McIntosh.

Elliott Trophy: Linda McIntosh.

Dahlias, named if possible: First Linda McIntosh, second Phillis Zella.

Nat May Cup: Linda McIntosh.

Geranium: First Phillis Zella, second Dianne Roberge, third Ruth Zella.

Gladioli: First Linda McIntosh.

Ganzeveld Cup: Linda McIntosh.

Marigold, dwarf: First Linda McIntosh, second Emily Unger, third Sharon Barron.

Nasturtiums: First Phillis Zella, second Emily Unger, Alex MacKay.

Petunias, single: First Alex MacKay, second Ruth Zella, third Phillis Zella.

Roses, named, one bloom disbudded: First Steve Haaf, second Betty Barnes, third Dianne Roberge.

Roses, fully opened: First Betty Barnes, second Juliette Ellchuk.

Roses, floribunda or grandiflora: First Dawn Wiens.

Rudbeckia: First Linda McIntosh.

Snapdragons, regular: First Ruth Zella, second Alex MacKay.

Snapdragons, butterfly: First Linda McIntosh.

Zinnias, five blooms: First Linda McIntosh, second Lisa Scott.

Class B Arrangements

Arranged bowl: First Jane Coady.

Tait Memorial Bowl: Jane Coady.

Decorative arrangement: First Mary Beth Rutherford, second Alex MacKay.

Shades of same colour: First Linda McIntosh, second Jane Coady, third Lisa Scott.

Mixed cut flower arrangement: First Mary Beth Rutherford, third Alex MacKay.

Dried grasses arrangement: First Sharon Barron, second Annemarie Ruckel, third Lisa Scott.

Miniature flower arrangement: First Robyn DeYoung, second Phillis Zella, third Sharon Barron.

Fresh cut perennials: First Emily Unger, second Sheila Robertson.

Annuals arrangement: First Sharon Barron.

Bloomin’ music: First Dawn Wiens.

Edible plant container: First Lisa Scott.

Potted African violet: First Emily Unger.

Potted foliage houseplant: First Dianne Roberge, second Linda McIntosh, third Emily Unger.

Potted flowering houseplant: First Emily Unger.

Potted cactus: First Dianne Roberge, second Alex MacKay.

Deck/patio pot or urn: First Betty Barnes, second Sharon Barron, third Phillis Zella.

T.S. Manning Trophy: Linda McIntosh.

G Handicrafts and Hobbies

Scrapbooking: First Patricia Phillips.

Wreaths or wall hanging: First Patricia Phillips.

Woodwork or wood carving: First Patricia Phillips.

Misc. crafts: First Kevin Kole, second Annamarie Ruckel, third Natalie Fischer.

Art Club Trophy: First Patricia Phillips.

H Handwork

Class A Clothing

Fitted or tailored clothing: First Zoe Morris, second Juli Wiebe, third Opal Kenzle.

Active wear: First Zoe Morris, second Gillian Stohler, third Naomi Holliday.

Night wear: First Juliette Ellchuk, second Gillian Stohler, third Naomi Holliday.

Home decor, not knitted or crotcheted: First Karen Jeffery, second Juliette Ellchuk.

Costume: Second Juliette Ellchuk.

Class B Knitting

Bulky sweater or cardigan: Second Opal Kenzle.

Light weight pullover or cardigan: First Rita Thomas, second Opal Kenzle, third Betty Barnes.

Machine knit article: Third Betty Barnes.

Socks: First Sarah Smedley, second Betty Barnes, third Opal Kenzle.

Accessories: First Krista Johnson, second Emily Unger, third Betty Barnes.

Afghan: Second Rita Thomas.

Decorative cushion: Second Sheila Robertson, third Bea Hodgson.

Class C Stitching

Counted cross stitch 11 to 18: First Deb Hecker, second Juliette Ellchuk, third Opal Kenzle.

Embroidered tablecloth: Second Isabel MacDonald.

Hardanger: First Lois Borsheim, third Karen Jeffery.

Class D Miscellaneous

Any article, senior 80 and older: First Betty Barnes, second Isabel MacDonald, third Trudy Lidster.

Misc. handwork: First Juli Wiebe, second Mary Beth Rutherford, third Opal Kenzle.

Una Inglis Memorial Bowl: Juliette Ellchuk.

HQ Quilting

Baby or child’s quilt, hand or machine: First Cathie McWatters, second Annie Smirmall.

Group quilt: First Alyce Karr, second Annie Smirmall, third Betty Barnes.

Miniature quilt: First Sue Nelson, second Karen Jeffery, third Marianne Strub.

Quilt, hand quilted: Second Lois Hunt, third Opal Kenzle.

Quilt, long arm machine: First Alyce Karr, second Cathie McWatters, third Karen Jeffery.

Quilted wall hanging, hand quilted: Second Heather Cottrell.

Quilted wall hanging, hand appliqued: First Karen Jeffery, second Heather Cottrell.

Quilted wall hanging, machine quilted: First Cathie McWatters, second Emy Lacatose, third Marianne Strub.

Quilted wall hanging, machine appliqued: First Karen Jeffery, second Heather Cottrell.

Quilted articles, runners/placemats: First Bea Hodgson, second Sue Nelson, third Linda Lancaster.

Quilted articles, pot holders/pillows: First Heather Cottrell, second Bea Hodgson, third Sheila Robertson.

Quilting, machine embroidery: Second Karen Jeffery.

Creative quilted clothing, bags: First Wanda Rogers, second Marianne Strub.

Arts quilts, original, no patterns: First Trudy Lidster, second Marianne Strub, third Heather Cottrell.

People’s Choice Award: Cathie McWatters.

I Baking, Canning, Preserves

Class A Pies

Apricot pie: First Phillis Zella, second Ruth Zella.

Cherry pie: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella.

Peach pie: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella.

Mixed fruit or berry pie: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella.

Class B Bread

Brown, from scratch: Second Jeff Bendixsen.

Brown, from ma-chine: Second Betty McWhinnie.

White, from scratch: First Jeff Bendizsen.

Fancy rolls from scratch: Second Summerland Seniors’ Village Day Program, third Joyce Husch.

Fancy breads from scratch: First Juli Wiebe.

Class C Muffins

Butter tarts: First Kristi Leardo, third Jan Higgins.

Family favourite cookies: First Betty McWhinnie, second Lisa Scott.

Favourite loaf recipe: First Judy Reimer, second David Jonsson, third Melissa Keys.

Holiday cookies: First Betty McWhinnie.

Baking powder biscuits: First Jan Higgins.

Muffins, Okanagan fruit: First Dawn Wiens.

Favourite slice: First David Jonsson, second Dawn Wiens, third George Pugh.

Class D Contests

Nesters Market apple pie: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella, third Summerland Seniors’ Village Day Program.

Rogers healthy muffin: First Phillis Zella, second Ruth Zella, third Jan Higgins.

Blossom Fruit Stand pumpkin pie: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella.

Elsie Gamble Family Cake: First Summerland Seniors’ Village Day Program, second Joyce Hutsch, third Ruth Zella.

Summerland Food Emporium health loaf: First Linnea Good, second Jeff Bendizsen.

Class E Jams

Peach jam: First Patricia Phillips, second Gillian Stohler, third Juliette Ellchuk.

Apricot jam: First Crystal Wiens, second Patricia Phillips, third Phillis Zella.

Cherry jam: First Linnea Good, second Kaitlyn Nightingale, third Anita Perry.

Strawberry jam: First Phillis Zella, second Patricia Phillips, third Ruth Zella.

Raspberry jam: First Jane Martens, second Dawn Wiens, third Patricia Phillips.

Plum jam: First Patricia Phillips, second Dawn Wiens.

Any other jam: First Naomi Holliday, second Melissa Keys, third Shirley McDowell.

Marmalade: First Patricia Phillips, second Juliette Ellchuk.

Jelly, light: First Ruth Zella, second Melissa Keys, third Patricia Phillips.

Jelly, dark: First Ruth Zella, second Emily Unger, third Patricia Phillips.

Jelly, other: First Patricia Phillips, second Juliette Ellchuk, third George Pugh.

Fruit butter: First Patricia Phillips, second Juliette Ellchuk, third Tina Martin.

Canadian wine to jelly: First Juliette Ellchuk, second Patricia Phillips, third Naomi Holiday.

Class F Pickles

Bread and butter: First Phillis Zella, second Ruth Zella, third Sheila Robertson.

Dill, matured: First Phillis Zella, second Ruth Zella, third Dawn Wiens.

Relish: First Dawn Wiens, second Riny Prochnau.

Beets: First Judy Reimer, second Betty Barnes, third Sheila Robertson.

Salsa, tomato: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella.

Salsa, fruit: First Patricia Phillis, second Juliette Ellchuk, third Gillian Stohler.

Herb vinegar: First Sharon Barron, second Linda McIntosh.

Other: First Sharon Barron, second Linda McIntosh, third Ruth Zella.

Class G Syrup

Favourite fruit syrup: First Patricia Phillips, second Ruth Zella, third Dawn Wiens.

Class H Canning

Cherries: First Patricia Phillips, second Kristin Staley, third Ruth Zella.

Apricots: First Ruth Zella, second Patricia Phillips, third Phillis Zella.

Peaches: First Phillis Zella, second Betty Barnes, third Judy Reimer.

Pears: First Patricia Phillips.

Prunes or plums: First Ruth Zella, second Patricia Phillips, third Phillis Zella.

Any other fruit: First Ruth Zella, second Phillis Zella.

Applesauce: First Juliette Ellchuk.

Pie/cake filling, mincemeat: Third Betty Barnes.

Pie filling, other: First Phillis Zella, second Ruth Zella, third Juliette Ellchuk.

Tomatoes: First David Jonsson, second Ruth Zella, third Phillis Zella.

Tomato sauce: First Juliette Ellchuk, second Phillis Zella.

Class I Drying

Apricots: First Eric Johnson.

Cherries: First Michael Beulah, second Alex MacKay, third Sheila Robertson.

Peaches: First Eric Johnson.

Prunes: First Eric Johnson.

Arranged plate: First Eric Johnson.

Dried vegetable soup mix: First Sharon Barron.

Dried vegetable, any type: First Sharon Barron.

Edith Scott Homemaker Cup: Ruth Zella.

J Adult Photography

Snapshot: First Kristen Staley, second Tanessa Bowman, third Lisa Scott.

Kids and pets: First Karen Edwards, second Robyn DeYoung, third Shaun Johnston.

Babies under two: First Shaun Johnston, second Lisa Scott, third Sharon De Leeuw.

Nature’s wonders: First Lisa Scott, second Mielissa Keys, third Patricia Phillips.

Four colour prints: First Lisa Scott, second Melissa Keys, third Tanessa Bowman.

Portrait: First Kristen Staley, second Lisa Scott, third Keri Wehlander.

Digital manipulation: First Lisa Scott, second Robyn DeYoung, third Kristen Staley.

Miscellaneous: First Melissa Keys, second Robyn DeYoung, third Keri Wehlander.

Agricultural images: First Etsuyo DeGagne, second Tanessa Bowman.

Things change, then and now: First Lisa Scott.

Volk Trophy: Lisa Scott.

K Rabbits, Guinea Pigs

Larry Faggetter Trophy: Lara Desjarlais.

M Recycled/Repurposed

Class A Artwork

Under 15 recycled craft: First Matthew Lowery, second Calum Keys, third Sydney Kole.

Adult recycled craft: First Dennis Ellchuk, second Holly Dunlop, third Robyn DeYoung.

Class B Functional

Under 15 repurposed item: First Ivy Hiebert, second Garrett Kennedy, third Natasha Stohler.

Adult repurposed item: First Juli Wiebe, second Isabell McDonald, third Mikayla Nelson.

McLaughlin Trophy: Juli Wiebe.



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