Students in the two Civics 11 classes at Summerland Secondary School raised $2312.25 to support Syrian refugee families in Summerland. The money was raised during the G.A.M., Get Active Marathon. In the front row at left is Coun. Doug Holmes, who has been working with sponsorship efforts in Summerland.

Students in the two Civics 11 classes at Summerland Secondary School raised $2312.25 to support Syrian refugee families in Summerland. The money was raised during the G.A.M., Get Active Marathon. In the front row at left is Coun. Doug Holmes, who has been working with sponsorship efforts in Summerland.

Summerland students raise funds to help refugees

Civics 11 students came together in May to raise more than $2,000 in support of Syrian refugee families

The 47 students in Summerland Secondary School’s two Civics 11 classes came together in May to raise more than $2,000 in support of Syrian refugee families in Summerland.

The students raised $2312.25 at G.A.M., a Get Active Marathon taking pledges for six non-stop hours of physical activity like dodge ball, yoga, walking, and big ball volleyball with all proceeds going to the Summerland Refugee Sponsorship Group.

“It was a good way to bring both classes together,” said one of the students, Summer Scott, while another, Amber Coltrin, said the marathon was a great way “to promote a healthy lifestyle while benefitting the community.”

Committee organizer Doug Holmes said each family in Summerland requires about $30,000 for their first year in the community, so fundraising is a key concern.

As well, students at the school are concerned about the sedentary lifestyle of many teens, so G.A.M. was a motivator in terms of having fun and keeping fit at the same time.


Summerland Review