John Gates shows the audience where the honey is located in the honey frame.

John Gates shows the audience where the honey is located in the honey frame.

Sweet talk at the museum

Beekeeper John Gates shares his knowledge of bees and honey to a packed house at the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives

It was all about bees at the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives as beekeeper John Gates spoke to a packed house at the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives recently.

Special event coordinator Jean Manifold knew there was an interest in beekeeping from local residents, but was surprised and delighted with the large turn-out.

“With 50 people in attendance, John was kept on his toes throughout his talk with questions from the audience,” she said.

Gates shared his expertise, speaking on everything from the different types of dances honeybees do, to the parts of a beehive, to problems honeybees and beekeepers face, and everything in between. At one point in his presentation he joked with an audience member asking a question, which happened to be his next topic.

“It’s as if I planted you in the audience,” he said, with a chuckle.

Gates passed around a honey frame from one of his beehives so that everyone could have a close-up look at the honeybees’ work.

In answering a question on whether you can freeze honey, he teased, “Yes, and if you’re my favourite kind of customer, you buy three kilos of honey at a time and freeze it.”

With such interest in the topic, Gates was kept an extra half hour answering questions from the enthusiastic audience.

“Thank you to John Gates, of Gates Bee Farms in Spallumcheen, for educating us on beekeeping basics and piquing our interest to learn more,” said Manifold.


Vernon Morning Star