Symposium will examine aging

A one-day symposium later this month will provide information and planning advice for those at or near retirement.

A one-day symposium later this month will provide information and planning advice for those at or near retirement.

The symposium is organized through the Centre for Healthy Aging Transitions in Vancouver. It will be held at Summerland Baptist Church on Saturday, April 26.

The centre was established by Care Education Institute to collect resources about aging and help churches as they assist baby boomers approaching retirement.

Dr. Paul Pearce will provide information on Canadian demographics, trends and strategies.

He will also help participants to design a vision plan for productive future and aging transitions.

A lunch and snacks are included in the registration fee.

The session will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Registration forms are available at the Summerland Baptist Church office, 10318 Elliott St. or online at Information is also available at


Summerland Review