Tell our Island’s story in video

A new site “letting the world know what is really here,” wants your help telling Vancouver Island’s story in video, a new site “letting the world know what is really here,” wants your help telling Vancouver Island’s story in video.

“We are offering you the opportunity to tell the story through a video contest,” says a release from DiscoverVancouverIsland founder Sam Vandervalk.

Much as we love Vancouver Island, and think it’s known world-wide, Vandervalk figures there’s still people who don’t know what they’re missing.

“I have travelled extensively and while abroad, I have found that most people don’t know exactly where Vancouver Island is. This is your opportunity to help get the word out,” he said.

“The purpose of the video contest is to find out who can tell the adventurer’s story in the most compelling way, while using the media to showcase Vancouver Island.

“We are hoping that through this contest, we will reel in amateur videographers’ passion about Vancouver Island and help showcase to the world what Vancouver Island has to offer.”

Vandervalk is hoping to motivate travelers who have visited or are coming to Vancouver Island, for example university students.

“People living here have an advantage because the set location is at everyone’s doorstep,” Vandervalk said. “However, many people may have also gathered pieces of spectacular footage while traveling and then may have put it on the shelf.

“Now we are providing extra motivation for amateur videographers to tell the world about their great trip and perhaps use some shelved content that would otherwise sit dormant.”

Prizes for winning videos will be: first place, $500; second, $300; third, $150.

Visit to find out the contest rules. Deadline for video submissions is April 1. Winners will be announced April 30.



Ladysmith Chronicle