TNRD Library System boosts French collection

The increased French collection is primarily focused on children’s and youth material

The TNRD Library System has recently increased its French collection, thanks to the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Regional District of Nanaimo and the Canada-British Columbia Cooperation Agreement on Official Languages for the additional purchase of French material.

“La bibliothèque du district régional Thompson- Nicola reconnaît le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Briannique par le biais du district régional de Nanaimo et de l’Entente de collaboration Canada- Colombie Britannique en matière des langues officielles pour l’achat supplémentaire de matériel en français.”

The increased French collection is primarily focused on children’s and youth material and should better meet the needs of the local Francophone community as well as those students enrolled in French Immersion and their families.

The new French titles will be housed at the North Kamloops and Kamloops libraries, but will be available at any of the Library System’s branches.


Barriere Star Journal