WEATHER: Cloudy and warmer with a chance of rain

Temperatures to reach as high as 10 for Monday in Abbotsford

Cloudy weather with a possibility of rain is expected for Abbotsford on Monday.

Cloudy weather with a possibility of rain is expected for Abbotsford on Monday.

The possibility of rain will be looming all day for Abbotsford, with cloudy conditions in the skies for the entire day on Monday.

According to Environment Canada, there is about a 40 per cent chance of rain for much of the day with a slight amount of wind.

Temperatures will rise up to as high as 10 degrees celsius in the late-afternoon, increasing from a low of four in the early morning.

Here is today’s forecast:

Today: Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. High 10.

Tonight: Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Low plus 3.

Abbotsford News