Bev Clear (left), Muriel Sanderson, Mary Rypstra, Wendy McDougall, Margaret Peacock, along with others in the community, are busy creating yarn dolls, a traditional toy of children in Cuba. The dolls will be handed out on Friday when Knox Presbyterian Church hosts this year’s World Day of Prayer Service at 1 p.m.

Bev Clear (left), Muriel Sanderson, Mary Rypstra, Wendy McDougall, Margaret Peacock, along with others in the community, are busy creating yarn dolls, a traditional toy of children in Cuba. The dolls will be handed out on Friday when Knox Presbyterian Church hosts this year’s World Day of Prayer Service at 1 p.m.

World Day of Prayer visits Cuba

This international celebration of Christian communities is the first Friday of March each year to worship and pray for women and children

World Day of Prayer is an international celebration of Christian communities who come together on the first Friday of March each year, to worship and pray for the needs of women and children around the world.

Starting in 1922 as a worship service — By Women, For Women — celebrations currently are hosted in more than 170 countries. Today, men and women alike are invited to leadership and participation. Each year, one country is highlighted, and the needs of women and children in that country praised and prayed for.

This year, the country is Cuba and the host is Knox Presbyterian Church.

“Our building has been transformed into a unique Cuban experience,” said Rev. Dr. Teresa Charlton, minister at Knox. “We hope to educate, worship and celebrate together with other church communities in Vernon.”

Close to 10 churches will participate, including chaplains from Heron Grove and Vernon Jubilee Hospital. It is anticipated that residents from several local retirement homes will also attend.

An interactive center will greet guests as they arrive, followed by a worship service prepared by the women of Cuba, and a reception with the flavours and atmosphere uniquely Cuban. Each guest will receive a “Cuban yarn doll” to pin on their jacket as a reminder of the day. The offering gathered is sent back to the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, where it funds projects and programs for women and children in both Canada and around the world.

Plan to join the fun Friday at 1 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, 3701-32nd Ave., off Alexis Park Drive.


Vernon Morning Star