Abbotsford firefighters attend funeral of Enderby captain

Firefighters from across Canada, including Abbotsford, attended the funeral of Capt. Dan Botkin of Enderby.

Members of Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service participate in the funeral of Capt. Dan Botkin of Enderby on Thursday.

Members of Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service participate in the funeral of Capt. Dan Botkin of Enderby on Thursday.

About 15 members of Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service attended the funeral of volunteer Enderby Fire Department Capt. Dan Botkin today (Thursday).

The contingent left Abbotsford at about 4 a.m. and later marched in the honour guard procession with fellow uniformed firefighters and emergency personnel, including RCMP in red serge, search and rescue, paramedics and volunteers.

The guard, which proceeded from the Enderby Chamber of Commerce to the Enderby Memorial Arena, also included more than 30 fire trucks from various departments.


More than 1,000 firefighters and emergency services personnel from across Canada were in attendance.

At the end of the service, firefighters formed another honour guard in front of the arena, two rows deep on both sides of the road, and saluted Botkin as he was driven by in a hearse.

Botkin, 25, was on duty Dec. 29 when he was killed in a fire and explosion at Sperlich Log Construction.

Abbotsford News